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The Yes I Will Campaign is a commitment to say “Yes I Will” Connect With God, Connect With Others and Connect Others With God in the coming year. We have seen God do incredible things in our own lives and in the lives of those in the community when we have said, “Yes I Will”. We know that in order to grow in our faith and reach our ONEs we have to step up and say “Yes I Will”. Are you ready to press in and seek God this year? Are you ready to say “Yes I Will” pray for, care for and share my faith with my ONE this year? Are you ready to say “Yes I Will” invest in my church by serving regularly? Are you ready to say “Yes I Will” be involved with my church by attending service and a Connection Group regularly? Are you ready to say “Yes I Will” read my Bible and pray daily? Are you ready to say “Yes I Will” give above and beyond financially so that others can Connect With God, Connect With Others and Connect Others With God? If you are, then be prepared for God to blow you away as you say “Yes I Will” to Him this year! Our Capital goal is $30,000 which will help us to build infrastructure and a reserve in order to continue to sustain the growth God has given us at all three campuses.

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